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01 Aug 2013 - Ron, WA7RBC, reminds us the next Education classes will be a General License class and is scheduled to take place September 28, 2013 - November 16, 2013. Details are available on the Education page.
01 May 2013 - Denny, W9HI has posted information on Field Day. Details are posted on the Field Day page.
06 March 2013 - Ron, WA7RBC has announced the next Technician Class to begin March 30, 2013. For more details and a .pdf flyer to pass around, please see our Education page.
2M Net News
The FRRL 2M Net had been in hiatus since the end of November, but the net is now back. Mike KK4GGG has agreed to serve as our Net Control Chairman. Thanks, Mike! Check the repeater on Tuesdays at 7:30 to join the net. More details here.
12 November 2012 - It's time to renew your membership. If you haven't already renewed for 2013 be sure to bring your checkbook to the November meeting 11/13/2012 and see Dean. While doing that, please review your membership information already filled in on the form - especially your email address.
The Fox River Radio League will be conducting a simulated emergency exercise on Saturday, October 27, 2012, from 8:30 am to approximately 1:00 pm. The exercise will start with a training session on net procedures and message handling. Participants will then disburse to various points around the area, establish contact with the Exercise Net, and pass message traffic back and forth. The purpose of the exercise is to provide participants with experience in net procedures and traffic handling during emergency situations. All licensed amateurs are welcome to attend and participate.
The training session will be held at St. Rita of Cascia Church, 750 W. Old Indian Trail in Aurora, IL.
9 October 2012 - At the October membership meeting Paul AC9BS was nominated and elected to complete the 2012 term as club secretary. The FRRL thanks Paul for taking on this important duty.
13 September 2012 - Please note that the start date for the Extra upgrade class has been changed to Sept. 29th, a week later than originally scheduled. Please see our Education page for more information.
11 September 2012 - The Nominating Committee responsible for recruiting candidates for open seats on the club's Board of Directors was presented at the September meeting. Club members Jack K9JE will serve as chair of the committee. Eric AB9OS and Denny W9HI will also serve. If you are interested in serving the club as an officer, contact one of the committee members to express your interest. Candidates will be presented to at the November Membership Meeting and our annual election will be held at the December meeting.
11 September 2012 - President Harry K9DXA announced the club is seeking a candidate to fill the remaining four months of the secretary's term. Responsibilities include attending and recording results of the Board of Directors meeting on the first Tuesday of each month and the general Membership Meeting on the second Tuesday of the month. Minutes are typed and sent to Harry within a week after each meeting. If you are interested in serving the club in this capacity, please contact Harry prior to the October membership meeting via email to President [at] frrl [dot] org.